Saturday 26 June 2010


I finished university and am eagerly awaiting my results! I decided to write this blog update to put some of my plans down on a page. I am currently working on developing a couple of iPhone projects, the first is an iPhone client for the question based social site What excites me about this is that the site itself is very young but incredibly mature with massive user growth. The application makes use of the formspring beta API and will allow the user to ask, answer and find friends. The site itself uses OAuth which is definitely a challenge :) I'm hoping to have a working build within the next month.

My next project is a game, I'm in the very early stages of planning a top down space shooter. The idea for thus came from my love of an old Apogee game named Raptor: Call of the Shadows. I have a friend who has offered to do some art and am currently looking for some tasty electronic music. This project has a much longer estimated date but will certainly be fun to experiment with. I plan to use OpenGL ES for graphics so I'll be reading up on that in my spare time.

Still looking for a job though :D


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Pale Ln,Winchfield,United Kingdom

Monday 19 April 2010

The summer is coming!

The Summer is approaching fast, I've yet to finish university for good, but when I do I cannot wait for the first Barbeque. I have some plans for summer, ones that affect my life in a major way. I need to find a job, I'm looking for somewhere I can use my programming skills. I have a few dream jobs in my mind but am yet to see if they can be made a reality. I also plan to start iPhone development and am looking for app ideas, I want an application first before I start games dev. Something I can port over to get the hang of the system. This is a very exciting prospect for me, as it literally opens so many doors with the ability to self publish. Who knows what I will come up with. I also intend to finish reverse engineering the 6502 ASM for the speaker playback routine in Apple II Maniac Mansion, I'm hoping to have a patch for ScummVM by some point in the summer. I'm booked on a holiday to Egypt with my girlfriend and some amazing people. This summer is going to be a blast!

This photo is the countdown to Egypt!

-- Robert Megone

Location:King Edward Square,Middlesbrough,United Kingdom